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Maple Syrup Grading Chart

Use this handy chart to help determine the grade of Maple Syrup that you are producing!

In 2014-2015, several organizations including the International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI) and regulatory bodies from Canada and the United States (among others), re-categorized the grading system for Maple Syrup.

The previous grading system was inconsistent among regions and unintentionally advanced the perception that certain Maple Syrup was of lower quality. While this system served its purpose, it often led to confusion. Consumers sometimes mistook the grading for quality rankings, not realizing it was all about flavor profiles.

Transmittance Measurement

With the new grading system, the classification of maple syrup depends on its internal transmittance at a 560 nm wavelength through a 10 mm sample. The specific requirements are:

  • Golden: More than 75 percent transmittance
  • Amber: 50.0 to 74.9 percent transmittance
  • Dark: 25.0 to 49.9 percent transmittance
  • Very Dark: Any product with less than 25.0 percent transmittance

Estimating Your Maple Syrup Grading

While you can purchase devices that will perform a transmission test and tell you exactly which grade of Maple Syrup you have, there are also ways of estimating.

One method is to use a color-coded Maple Syrup Grading Chart. Click the link below to download ours.

Make sure that you are operating in a well-lit environment. Simply hold the chart up to your maple syrup and compare the color in order to estimate the grade of your Maple Syrup.

Maple Syrup Grading by Taste

The grading system not only depends on color, but also has correlations to taste. The following is a breakdown of the grading system as it relates to the taste profile.

Grade A: Golden Color, Delicate Taste

First up in the new system, we have the “Golden Color, Delicate Taste” grade. This syrup is harvested early in the season and boasts a light, subtle maple flavor – perfect for those who enjoy a gentle sweetness. I personally consider this syrup to be too bland and sweet.

Grade A: Amber Color, Rich Taste

Next, the “Amber Color, Rich Taste” grade offers a bit more depth. This grade is a fan favorite for its rich flavor that strikes a beautiful balance, making it ideal for both direct consumption and cooking.

Grade A: Dark Color, Robust Taste

As we move further into the harvest season, we encounter the “Dark Color, Robust Taste” syrup. With its bold and deep maple essence, it’s perfect for recipes that call for a pronounced maple undertone.

Grade A: Very Dark, Strong Taste

Lastly, there’s the “Very Dark, Strong Taste” grade. Harvested at the tail end of the season, this grade packs a powerful flavor punch and is often reserved for specialty culinary uses.

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